Covent Garden Residential Scheme

Piercy&Company has revealed proposals for the redevelopment of a city block on Drury Lane for Helical Bar. Located within the Covent Garden Conservation Area, the site is bounded by Drury Lane, Dryden Street and Arne Street.
The proposed scheme arranges four distinct buildings around a central courtyard, retaining the character and urban grain associated with the area. Retained historic façades combine with new infill elements in a design which has been influenced by the rich theatrical and historic narrative of Covent Garden.
At street level, retail and restaurants will breathe life back into Dryden Street and Arne Street and refresh the current Drury Lane frontage. The residential floors range from four to six upper floors, with the changing massing working to further differentiate each building.
The scheme has been submitted for planning with Westminster City Council.
See: Drury Lane
Read more: Architects' Journal