Prototypes and Experiments at the Aram Gallery

Two models - one an opening sectional model of a Martello Tower refurbishment and the other a prototype for a church door handle - are currently on show at the Aram Gallery as part of their 'Prototypes and Experiments' exhibition. The exhibition looks at the architectural process, with a selection of practices sharing their use of physical models in the evolution of the design process. The exhibition shows a range of uses for models in practice - not just for presentation, but to explore ideas, evoke the feeling of a space, or a arrive at a point of decision making.
The models are a mix of massing studies, construction models and façade studies.
Our model for a Martello Tower refurbishment, which adds a roof level extension and internally remodels the 19th century tower, was created by the project team during the design stage. By creating an opening sectional model, the relationship between the interior spaces and exterior form in this sensitive and technically challenging refurbishment could be simultaneously tested.
Alongside this in the exhibition is our prototype for a set of integrated door handles on the main entrance to Drayton Green Church in West London. The curve provides three grip points for the door, catering for different ages and heights and will seamlessly emerge from the timber of the door, transforming the door into a sculptural object. The prototype was created by Directors Matti Lampila and Stuart Piercy at Grymsdyke Farm in Buckinghamshire.
The exhibition, curated by Riya Patel, is on now and runs at the Aram Gallery until 1 September 2018.
Photography: Agnes Sanvito