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Leroy House

Workspace Group

Extending and elevating the block through warmth and materiality.

Leroy House
Workspace Group

The extensions and improvements to Workspace Group's Leroy House have provided an additional 1,888 sqm of office, workshop and studio space - with a new ground floor café facility and increased area to the public realm. The varied range of office floorplates presents a flexible scheme with the potential to attract a variety of tenants, the majority being units for small businesses.

Piercy&Company drew from the architectural language of the listed St Paul's opposite and the setting of Cannonbury Conservation Area, while pushing and pulling the massing in response to nearby residential uses. A light warm brick picks up the texture and modulations of the existing building façade and reference the colour of the white Gault brick of St Paul's. The warmth of the material palette is enhanced by the articulation of the facades and fenestration with a level of detail which works at both urban and human scale.

An important move was to animate the street frontage along Essex Road, formerly a car park. A public café occupies the majority of the ground floor of the new side extension. This, along with increased public realm at street level, serves to connect the building more successfully to the neighbourhood.


Workspace Group
Islington, London
Architecture, Workplace
Gross Floor Area:
8,518 sqm
Planning Consented

Project Team

  • Heyne Tillet Steel, Structural Engineers
  • Hoare Lea, M&E
  • Stace, Cost Consultants
  • Lichfields, Planning Consultants
  • GL Hearn, Daylight/Sunlight
  • Greengage, Ecology
  • Sustainability, Etude
  • Transport, Caneparo Associates